Your Worst Thing In The World:
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The Worst
After laying down in your warm, cozy bed, realizing there's something you've forgotten, and must get up again.
(106 votes)
Hitting your pinky toe on the corner of something.
(22 votes)
When you are a superhero in a dream and you wake up to your ordinary life.
(14 votes)
When people pretend they care about you.
(13 votes)
Going to Vegas and waking up married to your Grandmother (who is nude).
(10 votes)
Thinking its saturday when its sunday!
(91 votes)
Haveing diarrhea and not being anywhere near a toilet.
(67 votes)
when your weekend is about to start in a few hours & someone tells you last minute that you have to work the next day.
(30 votes)
Realising you have no toilet roll in the bathroom.
(25 votes)
(21 votes)
When your friend’s kid is such a brat and destroys stuff in your house whenever they visit.
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